Beautiful Longings Ordained ~n~ God

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to the end." Ecclesiastes 3:11 Sharing a little of my heart, soul, and mind which make up my Beautiful Longings Ordained ~n~ God. May it make you smile,draw you closer to God, comfort you, and spur you on in your walk with God-the One in whom all of my longings are granted in what He ordaineth.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

~Eclipsing Binary Stars~

2 posts in one day.....can you handle this? I went to Citywide tonight, a non-denominational worship service/Bible study for college and single adults. Wade discussed the last chapter in James in which he described the community in which we should be striving to have with one another. To be aware of our own spiritual condition, to be aware of those around us and their needs and spiritual conditions, and to actually do something about it and become involved. James discusses our needs to go to the spiritually strong when we are sick, which can be used to represent spiritually broken as well as physical sickness, to confess our sins one to another, to pray for one another, and to turn another from the sin and the error of their ways. Is that not community in a nutshell?

However, we have to be real about what is going on in our own lives before God in order to be sensitive and aware of what is going on in the lives of others. Otherwise, we will be constantly consumed with the notion that we are really therefore, everyone else is ok....This is not the case....After salvation we are all in the process of sanctification from glory to glory and unless we realize this, we won't be able to be a true community and sensitive to others' journeys in their own sanctification.

On the way home my good friend April shared with me knowledge about Eclipsing Binary Stars. I had forgotten this from middle school science.
"Eclipsing binary stars are just one several types of variable stars. These stars appear as a single point of light to an observer, but based on its brightness variation and spectroscopic observations we can say for certain that the single point of light is actually two stars in close orbit around one another. The variations in light intensity from eclipsing binary stars is caused by one star passing in front of the other relative to an observer."

This really excited me. I pray that we can be eclipsing binary stars! That we can shine light into other's lives and pass in front of one brother or sister while they are dim, only for them to light up again in the Light of the Son. Now of course I am single, but this excited me about my future in love. I pray that I will have a husband that I can be a single point of light with, despite the fact that we are 2 individual points of light....we will shine and orbit each other in perfect harmony and will be brighter together to the glory of God.

Now I am going to finish my Mint Herbal Tea, no caffeine of course, and head to bed to dream about stars.

Good night!
Star light, star bright,First star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,Have the wish I wish tonight.
Lord, make me an eclipsing binary star to shine for you.....
to help others shine more for your glory.


At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This made me think of an article I read on Relevant Magazine's website:
I've learned a lot over the years that God uses all circumstance for His good. This article speaks of physical pain, but I've seen Him over and over again use certain painful experiences in my life to minister to those I come in contact with. May we all seek to be honest with ourselves and with each other and then see God work in mighty ways within our community. We all need to learn to be ministers to those around us, but also to let down the walls and let others minister to us.


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