Beautiful Longings Ordained ~n~ God

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to the end." Ecclesiastes 3:11 Sharing a little of my heart, soul, and mind which make up my Beautiful Longings Ordained ~n~ God. May it make you smile,draw you closer to God, comfort you, and spur you on in your walk with God-the One in whom all of my longings are granted in what He ordaineth.

Monday, March 06, 2006

~What A Man~

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Yesterday I thanked the Lord for some of the men I am blessed to know and call friends. However, the Lord convicted me and reminded me of my need as a woman to respect them more and to truly look for and encourage them in their leadership. I pray for a godly man to come into my life one day as a husband, but am I missing opportunities to truly appreciate the godly men I have in my life right now as friends?

The other night I was hurt/offended in a group setting by some words said to me. As I was driving home that night Richard called to check on me and asked if he could intervene in this situation. At first, I said "No...I'm fine..." My pride was up and God reminded me the next day that the very thing I am looking to see more of in men around me was delivered to me in the form of a friendly phone call. I quickly called Richard back the next day to thank him for this gesture and I am praising and thanking him again. What a man!

God also brought to mind a situation that I believe was a man stepping up in protection and leadership over me when I heard Dan one day at lunch stopping a conversation about nicknames he had heard others call me and he told somebody that it was not appropriate to call me a certain nickname. I took the whole incident in humor, but looking back I can sense the tone in Dan's voice and what he was saying was God ordained manly leadership. Thank-you Dan for that moment and many others. I crave more of those moments.

Thank-you Scott for stepping up tonight to take care of Brandi after she twisted her ankle on the field. And may I add, that was an awesome slide, way to take one for the team! This is leadership!!

GQ is our coach and he is so encouraging, optimistic, prayer and God centered in our practices and games. GQ is displaying godly sportsmanship and leadership. Thank-you GQ!!!

Thank-you Bill for providing me support, prayer, and godly wisdom as director of our Sunday school class. At times I feel a little overwhelmed but I can truly say I have felt your covering and your support over the past couple of weeks. Thank-you for your strong convictions and your warm hug and smile. This is truly godly leadership.

Brian, thank-you for always opening up your home to provide a place for fellowship, fun, and ministry. You are a joy to be around. Thank-you for your leadership. Be strong in the Lord, Brian!!

Lou, thank-you for your kindness to newer people in our class and for stepping up to drive our class to the aquarium this Saturday. Thank-you for the care and love you have given to one of my closest friends over this past year. I am truly thankful I met you.

I love to be in S.S. when Chris is present. His wisdom is evident when he speaks and he truly speaks the truth in love. Chris you are a leader. May you find confidence and boldness in your leadership through God.

Patrick, what can I say, you are a constant, loyal brother in Christ that at times I feel speechless. Right now I am tearing up a little, you are an awesome prayer warrior and teacher. Thank-you!

We have seen David begin to open up more these past couple months and I can truly see God working in your life David. You are courageous and genuine. I sense your empathy and care for others, this is godly leadership. You are also awesome at Broomball and poetry!

I appreciate Ryan stepping up to volunteer to help keep our class website updated and I appreciate his good attitude on the softball field. I can sense a change in you Ryan, God is calling out the man inside of you in a meeker way. This is leadership, strength under control.

There are so many others, but this is a start. I love you guys! Keep on growing in the Lord and don't be afraid to assert your leadership. We need it men!

1 Corinthians 16:13Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.


At 9:44 PM, Blogger Amy :) said...

Awesome post Julie! In this society that tries to break men down, we need to lift them up! I get so tired of commercials and TV shows that make the man out to be an idiot! "They" don't want us to respect our men!

What a touching post, your friends are blessed...

At 5:06 PM, Blogger David said...

(Blushing) Thanks, Julie! It's an honor to even be mentioned among these other guys. They are the best brothers in Christ. Thank you to all of the wonderful folks at HSBC for being real and active followers of Him.


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