Beautiful Longings Ordained ~n~ God

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to the end." Ecclesiastes 3:11 Sharing a little of my heart, soul, and mind which make up my Beautiful Longings Ordained ~n~ God. May it make you smile,draw you closer to God, comfort you, and spur you on in your walk with God-the One in whom all of my longings are granted in what He ordaineth.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

~What If~

So tonight I am not feeling well and I should be able to easily fall asleep due to my sinus infection, but oh no, I'm still up and decided to do a post to help me get to sleep! I have decided that these 2 words may only be used independently of each other to remain sane and have peace of mind! These words have separate definitions in the dictionary, as you can see below, and does not use them together even for examples to illustrate the definition of either word.

Which thing or which particular one of many: What are you having for dinner?
Which kind, character, or designation: What are these objects?
One of how much value or significance: What are possessions to a dying man?

IF -
In the event that: If I were to go, I would be late.
Granting that: If that is true, what should we do? (notice the 2 words together, but the stipulation is if that is true)
On the condition that: She will play the piano only if she is paid.
Although possibly; even though: It is a handsome if useless trinket.
Whether: Ask if he plans to come to the meeting.
Used to introduce an exclamatory clause, indicating a wish: If they had only come earlier!

I think God doesn't like His children to "What If...???" their way through life with their thoughts. He understands our imaginations and our longings, but we have to remind ourselves that our longings are granted in what He ordaineth and we are to delight ourselves in the Lord and He will give us the desires of our heart. So this post is for me tonight, but I felt the need to share it.

Isaiah 65:2 (NIV)
All day long I have held out my hands to an obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations-

1 Chronicles 28:8-10 (ASV)
Now therefore, in the sight of all Israel, the assembly of Jehovah, and in the audience of our God, observe and seek out all the commandments of Jehovah your God; that ye may possess this good land, and leave it for an inheritance to your children after you for ever.
And thou, Solomon my son, know thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind; for Jehovah searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou seek him, he will be found of thee; but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off for ever.
Take heed now; for Jehovah hath chosen thee to build a house for the sanctuary: be strong, and do it.

2 Corinthians 10:4-6 (ASV)
For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the casting down of strongholds, casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ;
and being in readiness to avenge all disobedience, when your obedience shall be made full.

Am I being obstinate in any of my ways, am I forgetting that Jehovah understands the imaginations of my thoughts yet He has chosen me to build a house for Him and I need to "Just Do It," am I casting down every imagination and stronghold as part of my warfare? I will be reading my own blog everyday this week for this one! I'm sleepy now, Praise the Lord for my travail and now my peace and sleep.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

~Eclipsing Binary Stars~

2 posts in one day.....can you handle this? I went to Citywide tonight, a non-denominational worship service/Bible study for college and single adults. Wade discussed the last chapter in James in which he described the community in which we should be striving to have with one another. To be aware of our own spiritual condition, to be aware of those around us and their needs and spiritual conditions, and to actually do something about it and become involved. James discusses our needs to go to the spiritually strong when we are sick, which can be used to represent spiritually broken as well as physical sickness, to confess our sins one to another, to pray for one another, and to turn another from the sin and the error of their ways. Is that not community in a nutshell?

However, we have to be real about what is going on in our own lives before God in order to be sensitive and aware of what is going on in the lives of others. Otherwise, we will be constantly consumed with the notion that we are really therefore, everyone else is ok....This is not the case....After salvation we are all in the process of sanctification from glory to glory and unless we realize this, we won't be able to be a true community and sensitive to others' journeys in their own sanctification.

On the way home my good friend April shared with me knowledge about Eclipsing Binary Stars. I had forgotten this from middle school science.
"Eclipsing binary stars are just one several types of variable stars. These stars appear as a single point of light to an observer, but based on its brightness variation and spectroscopic observations we can say for certain that the single point of light is actually two stars in close orbit around one another. The variations in light intensity from eclipsing binary stars is caused by one star passing in front of the other relative to an observer."

This really excited me. I pray that we can be eclipsing binary stars! That we can shine light into other's lives and pass in front of one brother or sister while they are dim, only for them to light up again in the Light of the Son. Now of course I am single, but this excited me about my future in love. I pray that I will have a husband that I can be a single point of light with, despite the fact that we are 2 individual points of light....we will shine and orbit each other in perfect harmony and will be brighter together to the glory of God.

Now I am going to finish my Mint Herbal Tea, no caffeine of course, and head to bed to dream about stars.

Good night!
Star light, star bright,First star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,Have the wish I wish tonight.
Lord, make me an eclipsing binary star to shine for you.....
to help others shine more for your glory.

~Who Can Satisfy My Soul~

This morning during my praise and worship I was reminded of one of my favorite worship songs. May I daily be satisfied by the lover of my soul.

Who Can Satisfy My Soul
arr. R. Mauldin Kelly Pendergraft; Worship Choir and Orchestra

Who can satisfy my soul like You?
Who on earth could comfort me and love me like You do?
Who could ever be more faithful, true?
I will trust in You, Lord,I will trust in You, my God.

Living Water, rain down Your life on me,Cleansing me, refreshing me with life abundantly.
River, full of life, I'll go where You lead.
I will trust in You, Lord,I will trust in You, my God.

There is a Fountain who is the King,
Victorious Warrior and Lord of everything,
My Rock, my Shelter, my very own,
Blessed Redeemer who reigns upon the throne!

Who could ever be more faithful, true?
Lord Jesus, there's none but You.

Psalm 36:8-10
They feast on the abundance of your house;

you give them drink from your river of delights.
For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.
Continue your love to those who know you, your righteousness to the upright in heart.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

~Add To The Beauty~

" O LORD, be gracious to us; We long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress. Your eyes will see the king in his beauty and view a land that stretches afar."
Isaiah 33:2, 17

What a beautiful weekend I have had! Praise the Lord! The Lord used me to minister to friends and family and renewed my strength to remind me that I can't do it in my own strength.
Saturday night I went Salsa dancing for the first time with some friends. It was in that moment after learning the short introductory lesson that I was face to face with a dance partner and God began to remind me of a longing I have to be submissive to Him and follow instead of always trying to lead. My partner was patient and kind despite me stepping on his toes and resisting his lead. He had his hand gently pressed on my lower back and used his arm with my arm on top to lead me in his steps. I found myself afraid of this intimacy, of looking into his eyes instead of looking at my feet to make sure I was doing it ok on my own. However, he pointed out to me that if I followed his lead it would go more smoothly..... and for brief moments we flowed together to the beats of Latin music. God used this as a reminder of His desire for me to look into His eyes and to not look down at my own strength and circumstances and He will order my steps in Him. I pray that I will dance with God daily, the lover of my soul.

I experienced intense grief today for my brother Nathan, but God was so sweet to remind me of His promise for me. " and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor." Isaiah 61:3 God reminded me of what a friend revealed to me that the trees in the midst of valleys of the Blue Ridge Mountains are bigger and stronger than the trees that are on the mountaintops. The metaphor is that the trees in the valley represent us in times of going through the valleys of our life. It is in this time He is nourishing us, making us stronger. God renewed my faith tonight when I talked to Nathan on the phone and He quoted a verse to me about having faith as small as a mustard seed and being able to move mountains...Little did Nathan know that during a concert I attended tonight this verse was in some lyrics to a song by Jars of Clay and I immediately began to interceded for Nathan.

God reminded me of His timing and his special ways He speaks to us as I was watching a commercial that reminds me of a friend, and at that moment, he called me and blessed me by telling me what the Lord was doing in his life at that moment. God reminded me of physical, tangible, love and comfort today as I had one friend call to invite me to her home for Thanksgiving, as she knew I would be alone this year, and in coming home tonight to find a card on my doorstep from another sister in Christ who wanted to encourage me and bless me with a gift of love. God is so sweet to me, can you think of how He was sweet to you today?

At the concert I fell in love with the Holy Spirit's work in Sara Grove's life and ministry. Her newest CD, Add To The Beauty, encourages us to look for ways to add to the beauty of the chaos in this world. On the way home I was listening to track #4, It's Going To Be Alright, as I passed a young female walking in the dark. My flesh said go home, you are tired and have to intercede for your loved ones, but the Spirit said turn the car around. I did, I picked her up, and prayed and ministered to her as she told me of the valley she is walking through in her life.

I close with a plea to all who read this, "How will you Add To The Beauty of this world?"

In Grace,
~Julie Ann

Thursday, November 17, 2005

My B.L.O.G.

I have created a blog.....this should be interesting. I was inspired to do this after reading several blogs that were forwarded to me by a very close friend and being impacted by the author's journeys, thoughts, funny stories, and by seeing some of their hearts.

I found humor in one blog I read about asking the question is nothing in this world sacred. She stated in her blog,"Last night I saw a billboard announcing the impending DVD arrival of Disney’s Cinderella II: The Magic Didn’t End At Midnight? Is nothing in this world sacred?" I thought that was hilarious, but so so true. One Cinderella, one glass slipper, one prince, and one happily ever after is not enough for our super sized, would you like the upgraded gas, car, and costco membership? We just seem to want more and more, don't we?

Which leads me to the end and beginning of this B.L.O.G. standing for Beautiful Longings Ordained~n~ God. I was at church a couple weeks ago and sang one of my favorite hymns, "Praise To the Lord,The Almighty." The words of the second stanza hit me like a ton of bricks that night...."All of thy longings have been granted in what He ordaineth." It gave me such a peace and excitement to realize that my longings and desires will be met in and by Him, which leads me to my B.L.O.G. A place for me to share some of my heart, longings, and thoughts with no fear of whether or not they will be heard, validated, or established because they are already complete in Him. I will close tonight with one of my favorite songs that helps me to focus on all I need for Cinderella 2!

I Just Want You-Vicki Yohe
I could have fortune and fame

Go anywhere do anything
But oh God I just want you
I could search for earthly things
To satisfy my every need
But oh God I just want you

I just want you I just want you
I just want to live In your presence everyday
I lay down my will And every selfish desire
Whatever it takes Father that's what I'll do
Cause I just want you

Standing in this holy place
I'm only here to seek your face
Oh God I just want you
Can you feel the passion?
In my heart
To be close to where you are
Oh God I just want you