Beautiful Longings Ordained ~n~ God

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to the end." Ecclesiastes 3:11 Sharing a little of my heart, soul, and mind which make up my Beautiful Longings Ordained ~n~ God. May it make you smile,draw you closer to God, comfort you, and spur you on in your walk with God-the One in whom all of my longings are granted in what He ordaineth.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

~While You Were Sleeping~

This week has gone by very fast for me. I find that I am becoming emotionally and physically drained as I approach Christmas day and I don't want to miss out on fully celebrating the King of Kings and Lamb of Lambs this Christmas season. Last Sunday I fell off of the choir loft! How embarrassing! Praise God no harm was done despite one fellow, hyper, choir member telling me in a fast, worried, voice, "Go to the doctor, you better go, your tailbone may be hurt and you may have problems in child bearing!"

Yeah, let's just say "So not what I wanted to hear after I was still shocked with pain and humiliation."

Moving right along into the week more of a mountain in my life moved that I have been asking God to move for me. I find I question if it's really moved, but then I remember I only need faith as small as a mustard seed and "When I call on Jesus, Mountains are gonna fall, cause He'll move heaven and earth to come rescue me when I call." I pray that I call on Him more this week as the mountains to continue to fall.

This weekend I took some much needed R&R and was able to get a few things organized at home and in my mind! I don't function well with chaos, and lately, my home and my mind have been a little chaotic with all I've been trying to do and hold onto. Thank God for His rest and for my retreat. Today at church a Casting Crowns song was used to minister to me. It was so moving to me and I've thought about it all day. So I leave you with the lyrics as we head into the week leading up to the celebration of our Savior's birth. Will you be sleeping? Will I be sleeping?

"While You Were Sleeping"
Oh little town of Bethlehem Looks like another silent night
Above your deep and dreamless sleep
A giant star lights up the sky
And while you're lying in the darkThere shines an everlasting light
For the King has left His throne
And is sleeping in a manger tonight
Oh Bethlehem, what you have missed while you were sleeping
For God became a manAnd stepped into your world today

Oh Bethlehem, you will go down in historyAs a city with no room for its King
While you were sleeping While you were sleeping
Oh little town of Jerusalem Looks like another silent night
The Father gave His only SonThe Way, the Truth, the Life had came
But there was no room for Him in the world He came to save Jerusalem,
what you have missed while you were sleeping
The Savior of the world is dying on your cross todayJerusalem,
you will go down in historyAs a city with no room for its King
While you were sleepingWhile you were sleeping

United States of America Looks like another silent night
As we're sung to sleep by philosophies
That save the trees and kill the children
And while we're lying in the darkThere's a shout heard 'cross the eastern sky
For the Bridegroom has returned And has carried His bride away in the night
America, what will we miss while we are sleeping
Will Jesus come again And leave us slumbering where we layAmerica,
will we go down in historyAs a nation with no room for its King
Will we be sleepingWill we be sleeping


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